Sound Off!
We hope to make a difference by enlisting your help to call your representatives and make your voice heard!

Our national values are under attack. We are bound by the Constitution to make sure that everyone is treated with equality. If one is not given equality, then all will suffer.
You have a choice in where our future is headed. We can go back to the gilded age of old where a few had power and wealth or we can move forward and demand liberty and equality.
Since 1993
Your Right To Vote Is What Many Died For
Your right to vote in an election is given to you by the Constitution as a right for all men and women. Many have fought and died for your right to vote. We should never take this liberty lightly or we may fall into the trap of complacency and be caught in a tyrant's grip. We are living in very dangerous times. Many want to keep you from voting or tell you that it won't matter, but it does! Take a pledge to vote in the next election and all that follow.
Many unjust events have taken place in the span of only 20 years. We are on the road to not providing for our own countrymen. We are neglecting education, forgetting the great heights we have soared to in the past for a reduction in our children's future and hope. We have allowed racial and religious divisions to tear apart our very fabric of who we are. It is time to take a stand. It is time to be heard! Voting is how you have a voice in what the future will bring about.
Do not be swayed or tempted to think you are not important. Even if you can't vote, you can still make a difference. All of us, by how we treat others as equals and stand for the truth of who we are as a nation, can make real change. Just by your participation in an event that empowers you to make an educated decision or call to public action by making others aware, can have an impact that reverberates like a pebble dropped in a calm lake.
Make a difference today by coming together and talking about issues that keep us divided. We are one nation out of many! E Pluribus Unum is the motto of our nation. Come let us celebrate our freedom together so we can all claim the rights given to us by the Constitution.

Next Steps...
If you would like some advice on how to get started in your community, please visit Indivisible's website and download their action guide.